Does god really exist?

From time immemorial, this question has been a matter of debate. For some, God is an illusory concept, while others believe in God.

Does god really exist?

God- Exists or Not?

From time immemorial, this question has been a matter of debate. For some, God is an illusory concept, while others believe in God. My fellow readers also fall into these two categories: theists and atheists. In simple words, those who believe in at least one God are theists, and those who don't are atheists. This essay will explore these aspects with logical depth, examining why people have contrasting thoughts about God, whether the Big Bang was God's plan, and ultimately sharing my own perspective.

Why do people have distinctive thoughts

The most powerful weapon we possess is our mind. It reflects the content it consumes, influenced by genetics, culture, tradition, customs, norms, religion, lifestyle, companions, and more. This explains why people have contrasting thoughts. If you are still uncertain, let me clarify. People come from distinctive backgrounds. Genetically, culturally, and traditionally, people are not the same. Genetics might seem out of context, but it plays a role in shaping one's creativity, which influences the content our mind absorbs. Although genetics shapes creativity, creativity can also be enhanced through certain practices.

Within a society, there are distinct individuals because of their different perspectives and creativity. These differences are influenced by various social institutions, resulting in diverse overall personalities. Now, back to our topic: theists and atheists are products of these social institutions. Between these two groups are skeptics. Skeptics don't strongly deny God's presence but seek evidence.

In today's world, it's my personal observation that skeptics are the largest group among the three categories: theists, atheists, and skeptics. Surveys generally suggest that theists remain the majority globally, though their numbers are decreasing. Atheist and agnostic populations are rising, particularly in developed nations. They find it hard to accept God because there is no proof. People's 'experiences' and beliefs also motivate them to become theists, skeptics, or atheists. You may notice that within a family, there can be both theists and atheists. This is because their experiences shape their beliefs.

Let me elaborate on what 'experience' means here. Throughout our lives, we encounter many situations that provide us with experiences and teach us lessons. The experiences of theists and atheists may differ even in the same situation. Let's understand this with an example. Two IT professionals attend a job interview. Before the interview, both prayed to God for good luck. One got selected, and the other was rejected. Now, the making of a theist and an atheist is underway. The one who was selected would thank God, while the one who was rejected would blame God. When this happens repeatedly, the separation between the two broadens. This simple example is one of many such instances. Does God have any role in their selection and rejection? Maybe, maybe not. One might have worked hard while the other did not. Perhaps their outcomes are the result of their hard work. On the other hand, God might have a better plan for the one who has failed. This is why people have different thoughts about God. There may be one who, after being rejected, will maintain his optimistic views on God. All these depend on flexibility and logical ability of one's mind.

Is it possible for something to exist on its own? Can there be Apple phones without Steve Jobs? You might counter that Apple phones could exist without Steve Jobs, as someone else might have founded Apple. If you're thinking this way, you're missing my point. My question is, in simple words, can there be a creation without its creator?

The Big Bang theory (Birth of Universe)

We have all heard about the Big Bang theory, the event that gave birth to the universe. In case you don't know what the Big Bang theory is, let me explain. Imagine the universe compressed into an incredibly hot and dense point, almost infinitely small, called a singularity. This unimaginably small point contained all the energy and matter, including us, our ancestors, and our successors. Atoms, elements, satellites, planets, stars, and galaxies were compressed in it. About 13.8 billion years ago, this infinitely small point underwent a rapid expansion for an untraceable reason. In a fraction of a second, the universe inflated to trillions of times its previous size, paving the way for its further development. As the universe expanded, it cooled down, and the energy condensed into particles: electrons, protons, and neutrons. These particles are the basic building blocks of matter. Over time, these particles combined to form atoms, primarily hydrogen and helium. These atoms combined to form stars and galaxies. Within stars, hydrogen atoms fused into heavier elements like carbon and oxygen, enriching the universe with diverse materials. Over billions of years, galaxies clustered together through gravity, forming larger structures like superclusters and voids, shaping the large-scale universe we see today.

Religious perspectives

Now, let's return to our question: was the Big Bang God's plan? Before discussing this question, let's address another one: who is God? In simple words, almost all the world's religions believe God is the creator of this world. Unlike many other religions, Hinduism doesn't have a singular concept of God. Brahma, Vishnu, and Maheshwar are the supreme gods in Hinduism, often collectively referred to as the Trimurti, representing the cosmic functions of creation (Brahma), preservation (Vishnu), and destruction/transformation (Maheshwar). In simple terms, Hinduism has three founders of the universe, with Brahman as the CEO. Each deity has a separate branch to handle the universe. It is believed that Brahma created this universe. The 'singularity' in the Big Bang theory can be seen as a product of Brahma.

Unlike Hinduism, Islam believes in the concept of Tawhid, the oneness and indivisibility of God. Islam has Allah as their supreme god, the sole creator of this universe. The 'singularity' might be his creation.

In Christianity, the supreme God is God the Father, often referred to simply as "God." Christians believe in the Trinity, a complex theological concept stating that God exists as three distinct persons: Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit. These three persons are seen as co-equal and co-eternal, united in one essence. It is possible that the 'singularity' of the Big Bang was designed by him.

All mythological aspects point to a single conclusion: God is the creator of this universe. An idea that ignites in the mind of a single person may not have significance, but an idea occurring to many people might. Hence, God's existence is true. This raises another question: if there cannot be a creation without a creator, then who created God? One possible theory is that God also has a creator. We exist in a three-dimensional world. Our creator, God, may be a being of higher dimensions, and God's creator may belong to even higher dimensions. This line of thought extends infinitely.

My opinion

I personally believe that God is the creator of this universe. If you seek proof of God's presence, I have something for you. Provide the last number in the number system, and I will prove God's existence. Don't hate me for the point of view I have pointed out. I favor everyone's faith. Whether God exists or not is your personal choice; I am just putting forth my personal choice. If you have any questions or suggestions about this topic, feel free to let me know. It will be appreciated, no matter the cost.

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