Are you educated or just a graduate?

Are you truly educated or just a graduate? Is earning a degree the same as being educated?

Are you truly educated or just a graduate? Is earning a degree the same as being educated? If you are confused by these questions, this blog is your guide to understanding the crucial difference. Identify whether you are educated or just graduated and gain clarity on what is truly means to be educated in today's world.

Often, we hear about the pitfalls of our Indian education system. You may be fed up with the teaching methods used in your college or school. Most open educational institutions end it shortly. They just focus on providing you a piece of paper i.e., a degree. Your are being fooled by them. In today's world, you must be both a graduated as well as an educated at any cost.

Go through the blog and I will encourage you to think outside the box. My aim is to hand over the initial steering wheel. The way ahead is in your hands.

Are you truly educated or just a graduate?

Are you educated or just a graduate?

Graduation Vs Education

Let's wage a battle of graduation vs. education. I am not going to give you a lengthy explanation about it. Rather, I think a tabular representation of the battle will be much better to help you understand it. Yes, you are the judge here; mark the winner.

Graduation Education
It Is the completion of a formal education program and receiving a piece of paper describing your grades. It is a continuous process of acquiring knowledge, skills, attitude and values.
It assures that an individual has met certain academic requirements. It includes formal education as well as an eagerness for informal learning outside the traditional academic environment.
It marks the end of a specific phase of formal education. Unlike graduation, education is a lifelong process paving the way for new information, experiences, and personal growth.

Oh, my fellow readers, if you are still unable to understand, don't worry. John will help you with his experiences. 

Hey, I am John. I completed my bachelor's degree in Computer Science from University College London. Graduation day was worth remembering. We all wore caps and gowns for the ceremony. On this day, I received my diploma. The event marked the completion of my formal education.

After graduation, I continued to learn and grow not just in my field but also others. I am eager to attend workshops on new programming languages, read books on software development, participate in online courses to improve my skills, and stay updated with the latest trends in technology. I also learn from my work experiences, mentors and colleagues.

I start reading books, it has been my passion since childhood, of different genres such as psychology, novel, mythology, content creation, self help and digital marketing. I also improve my communication skills. I learn to behave properly with opposite gender, friends, parents, cousin and relatives. This ongoing process of acquiring knowledge and developing skills, adapting to changes, and seeking personal and professional growth represents my education.

Role of Formal Education

Yes, formal education is a necessity nowadays. Formal education marks the initial foundation in the learning process ahead in life. You feel pleasure when you say, 'I graduated from this or that university.' Perhaps you are happy or a bit motivated. 

However, relying solely on graduation is not a wise choice. Through a formal degree, you may secure a job, but education goes much deeper than graduation. Life is not just about obtaining a degree, getting a job, getting married, retiring, and eventually passing away. 

Life is about adaptability and management. Graduation hardly teaches you these aspects. To be truly educated, you must learn new skills and gain knowledge about human behavior, finance, relationships, psychology, mythology, science, maths, arts, society, technology, morals, ethics, law, and much more.

You might have heard about the 'T' concept in knowledge. The vertical bar (depth) represents deep knowledge and expertise in a specific field. This is the individual's core area of specialization and possesses significant depth of understanding and skills. The horizontal bar (breadth) represents a moderate amount of knowledge about other fields. This helps one collaborate with experts from other fields effectively.

Characteristics of An Educated Person

Before exams, you memorize the concepts, and in exams, you just recite them. But afterwards, nothing more; after a few days, you forget everything. What is the application of these fleeting concepts that you have learnt over days and nights just before the exam? 

True education must have practical application. You may ask, what is the application of a poem you have learned for your exam? Literature represents society. A poem is the art of representation. By analyzing a poem, one may find a wide range of themes—love, nature, society, etc. Poems often reflect cultural, social, and historical contexts in which they were written. They also serve as a medium for a poet's personal emotions, allowing inner thoughts, feelings, and a unique and creative perspective to unfold.

Each and every discipline that exists on Earth has some kind of interdisciplinary nature. Every subject has its practical application. We learn history not to repeat the same mistakes we have made in the past. We study geography to understand topography. We study psychology to understand human behavior. We study science for invention and investigation.

But studying and learning alone are not enough to be educated. One who is able to practically apply their knowledge for the betterment of oneself as well as others is truly educated.

Challenges in True Education

Our society often values degrees and certificates over knowledge and skills. True education always involves deep understanding and critical thinking, which are often obscured by mere facts and theories. Knowing facts is quite different from applying knowledge effectively in the real world. 

Education is an ongoing process, but in our society, many stop learning and start chasing financial security. It is not bad to pursue financial security; what is truly bad is to stop learning. Ethical behavior and moral reasoning have a permanent place in education, but formal education often overlooks them. 

These issues should be addressed by promoting learning that values ethics, morality, practicality, and lifelong learning.

Practical Steps to Cultivate Education

I have noticed that a student who is good in maths faces difficulty while buying 250g of fish. Isn't it silly? While formal education is a necessity, I strongly urge you not to rely solely on it. Otherwise, you will end up as an educated but unpractical fish buyer. 

Read books and step out of your cage. Go and meet new people. You can learn new skills like drawing, singing, yoga, swimming, cooking, and many more. Wherever and whenever there is a chance, try to apply your knowledge in the practical world. Try to listen to people carefully and then reply to them. Learn to question every aspect of society. 

These are a few things through which you can cultivate true education. A truly educated individual knows how and when to distinguish between right and wrong. This ability can be gained only through the practical use of knowledge and practice.


Understanding the difference between education and graduation can significantly impact your career and growth. While formal education focuses only on obtaining a degree, developing your ability to apply your knowledge in the practical world is true education. 

Don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments below and let us know how you will continue your learning process. Remember, education is a lifelong process that evolves with every experience and piece of knowledge you acquire.